Custom-Feature: Lugh vs Balor - a Celtic Battle on an 8" Dunny from JonPaul Kaiser
"…it's an 8" Dunny and I was asked by my client to have an Irish/Celtic mythology themed Dunny, but treated like a canvas rather than a character. I went with one of the most popular legends, which is Lugh the High King and Protector of Ireland as he faces off against his greatest adversary; Balor the Dread Eye, King of the Formorians. Legend has it that whenever Balor opened his eye, whatever his dread gaze was easy upon would burn in ruin. On the body go the Dunny is Oonah Sidhe, Queen of the fairies. She is summoning the power of the Earth Goddess through the ancient standing stones to assist Lugh in his battle." - shared JonPaul Kaiser