i dun think there's hardly any need to berate the existence of Valentine's Day and how the seeming western-decadence had invaded our eastern shores and consciousness, coz sure as heck no one's put a gun to our heads in the first place, innit? and as sure as it remains firmly now in our daily/yearly lives, we can but only ride the tide and ride it well, or face the wrath of our "better halves".
for sure as it becomes the next important day in the year (next to "her" birthday), we have but to crack our feeble manbrains to come up with something that's worthy of water-cooler-talk come the day after ... woe betide the ones where only; "it was okay only lor" - is ever mumbled, next to the wine-and-dine exploits of her colleagues = sure long-lingering death; this.
a few facts that we must admit and accept, for us to be able to "move on" and "plan ahead":
(1) whatever we had done prior to this day, the many valentines before - matters naught, for TODAY is the only day that matters. past victories mean naught to the constant and daily battle between the sexes.
(2) whatever we had done prior to this day, the numerous glorious valentines before - will always be compared to the one TODAY, regardless of how good it is now. and if it's NOT AS GOOD? take care of yourself, buddy!
if it all sounds sexist and unfair, tis becoz it IS! ... and i have a suspicious feeling that Valentines' was a notion invented by femmes to test us male-doofuses lor ... anyways ...
as sure as the pressure is self-fraught and wallowed in, there is a small measure of truth in it all, i reckon and anyone who says they dun care? well, they don't, innit? and this entry sure ain't fer ya, innit? so spare me the rod and pass another tissue for me bleeding heart, innit? *heh*
the reality is, if at all you're stressing about this 14th, then ya didn't do your "ground work" in the first place, innit? ("groundwork" = saying how you "deplore this western influence that which is V-Day" - on the day you decided to go after / date your "better half") - well, tis all too late now, innit? *heh* ... lemme see if i can remember this yearly rite of passage ...
(1) a rose or a bouquet of roses/flowers.
(2) dinner for two at an expensive restaurant, somewhere you'd not consider stepping in at any other given time of the year or your lifetime.(but when you do, make sure it ain't the same place you went to last time round with "someone else", innit? least the waiters recognize ya and spills the pea-soup ... ;p)
(3) a surprise present that costs more than you'd ever imagine spending any amount of moolah for.
of coz alla the above factors in peeps who put value in them, innit? for there are "other" ways to go about this sultry-season, ie:
(A) a picnic for two, out in the open fields, with the crescent moon smiling above thee both, the clinging of red-wine glasses ... (and if ya can afford a violinist or a cello-player - senerading at the side = tres good as well lah!)
(B) a home/self-made pressie that doesn't burst your already bulimic-wallet.
(C) can't escape the flowers tho. sorry about that. and if you're lucky, she'll be carrying it and not you trying to hide it in a plastic/paper-bag or such.
and anything else is gravy, or so you hope.
(Disclaimer: the above is written with blistered-tongue-in-cheek, so dun gimme no shitte about chauvinism or sexism, coz i sure as heck's gonna be doing my part for a happy valentine's day, innnit?)
enjoy it for what it is folks, and have a fabulous Valentine's Day! :)
for sure as it becomes the next important day in the year (next to "her" birthday), we have but to crack our feeble manbrains to come up with something that's worthy of water-cooler-talk come the day after ... woe betide the ones where only; "it was okay only lor" - is ever mumbled, next to the wine-and-dine exploits of her colleagues = sure long-lingering death; this.
a few facts that we must admit and accept, for us to be able to "move on" and "plan ahead":
(1) whatever we had done prior to this day, the many valentines before - matters naught, for TODAY is the only day that matters. past victories mean naught to the constant and daily battle between the sexes.
(2) whatever we had done prior to this day, the numerous glorious valentines before - will always be compared to the one TODAY, regardless of how good it is now. and if it's NOT AS GOOD? take care of yourself, buddy!
if it all sounds sexist and unfair, tis becoz it IS! ... and i have a suspicious feeling that Valentines' was a notion invented by femmes to test us male-doofuses lor ... anyways ...
as sure as the pressure is self-fraught and wallowed in, there is a small measure of truth in it all, i reckon and anyone who says they dun care? well, they don't, innit? and this entry sure ain't fer ya, innit? so spare me the rod and pass another tissue for me bleeding heart, innit? *heh*
the reality is, if at all you're stressing about this 14th, then ya didn't do your "ground work" in the first place, innit? ("groundwork" = saying how you "deplore this western influence that which is V-Day" - on the day you decided to go after / date your "better half") - well, tis all too late now, innit? *heh* ... lemme see if i can remember this yearly rite of passage ...
(1) a rose or a bouquet of roses/flowers.
(2) dinner for two at an expensive restaurant, somewhere you'd not consider stepping in at any other given time of the year or your lifetime.
(3) a surprise present that costs more than you'd ever imagine spending any amount of moolah for.
of coz alla the above factors in peeps who put value in them, innit? for there are "other" ways to go about this sultry-season, ie:
(A) a picnic for two, out in the open fields, with the crescent moon smiling above thee both, the clinging of red-wine glasses ... (and if ya can afford a violinist or a cello-player - senerading at the side = tres good as well lah!)
(B) a home/self-made pressie that doesn't burst your already bulimic-wallet.
(C) can't escape the flowers tho. sorry about that. and if you're lucky, she'll be carrying it and not you trying to hide it in a plastic/paper-bag or such.
and anything else is gravy, or so you hope.
(Disclaimer: the above is written with blistered-tongue-in-cheek, so dun gimme no shitte about chauvinism or sexism, coz i sure as heck's gonna be doing my part for a happy valentine's day, innnit?)
enjoy it for what it is folks, and have a fabulous Valentine's Day! :)