emperor's royal guard 1/6 rah action figure by medicom toy
one of the more enigmatic characters in Star Wars-lore (at least to me) are the red-robed Imperial ROYAL GUARDS [wiki] serving as protectors / guards for the Empire's wrinkled-Sithlord Emperor Palpatine, primarily becoz they've never been shown in battle (at least in the movies, excluding the comicbooks) - but always standing silently tall with their Force Pike in hand oozing mystery and coolness, IMHO. tis a confident "man" that dresses in red that can still intimidate - heh.
now Medicom Toy has scheduled an October release for these figures as Real Action Heroes (RAH) in 1/6th-scale, at a SRP of ¥17,640 (via / US$170 / SGD$260) - and frankly, he looks just as cool, IMHO ... altho i've always wondered what they do wear under them robes ... (tis not like that, you pervy gits! LOL)