DISCLAIMER-ISH: I am not at liberty to discuss the source of this image of a
hand-colored DUCKSAUCE
action figure of the interstellar B-Boy
Cthulhu Juice Crew. Nor do I have any further "official" information and details regarding it's release. Current information suggests that each Ducksauce figure has been hand-casted by
The Sucklord and hand-painted by it's creator
J-R00 aka
Justin Rudy of
Further details regarding it's quantity limited to only 35 pieces at US$35-per 3 3/4-scale figure remains irrefutable.
*Stay tuned for further updates*And contrary to TRE-rumors, DuckSauce is not guest starring as an "alien" in the Neil Blomkamp-directed and Peter Jackson-produced
DISTRICT 9 feature film ...