About That Raygunz Flickr-Group by TOYSREVIL
Did you folks know hay I have a RAYGUN flickr-group? http://www.flickr.com/groups/raygunz was born of a TOYSREVIL-blog contest held in collaboration with Go Hero (promoting the Atomic Disintegrator Pistol, back in 2009) and the flickr-pool has continued to flourish into a super cool collection of self-made steampunk-themed weapons - with a slow and steadily-awesome pace, since, IMHO. So do feel free to join and submit your home-made rayguns (yes, hi-tech modern and retrolicious ones are cool too ;p), and CLICK to view the above slideshow in full-screen!
I am currently very curious to find out if there is a steampunk community here in Singapore? Or even the nearby region? Do feel free to hit me up at toysreviler [at] gmail.com to keep me clued-in, thanks!