Spiked Leather & Mutant Blood: TOYSREVIL-Contest Teaser #2

You survived the nuclear holocaust.
Good for you.
So now what?


Inspired by two of my ultimate favorite post-apocalypse film-concepts: Escape From New York and the Road Warrior movies - SPIKED LEATHERS & MUTANT BLOOD sees a competition where folks submit their character in this new insane frontier, in either illustration, or custom-toy form!

Are you a loner? Do you work well in groups? Can you escape this hell-hole you have decided to call home, and find a place of salvation and free from radiation and pollution? Or are you one of the mutated brood protecting your own zones? This is a road movie disguised as a contest.

We start our journey thru the treacherous badlands with a "blood"-splattered prize from Retro Outlaw, and hopefully will pick up more along the way - are you game for some blood and banging heads? Mutants or Humans, all are welcomed!

We are currently still open to contest prizes sponsors (I hope to have more, the reason for which might interest you). This blog-contest is slated for end-2011 thru to 2012. But then again, who knows when the apocalypse will come on our heads?
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