Alien & Alien Chestbuster LEGO-Builds from ARVO
A little bit of context (if you will). Currently I have a stack of comicbooks from Dark Horse littered beside my bed, dug up from an old box. A whole lot of them feature ALIENS, circa late 80s-early-90s, and I have been pouring thru them for a few days now (I can no longer afford current day comicbooks, so I re-read old ones).

Then the above LEGO-build popped into my Facebook-stream, and I knew I was 'fated' to track down more, and it turns out to be made by the ARVO Brothers (whom also did an AKIRA bike from Kaneda I blogged about before!). You can see more of the Alien Chestbuster here. Of course that could not prepare me for the awesomeness that which is the LEGO ALIEN in all-black (featuring design from HR Giger). The dripping red blood for the chestbuster and drool for the Alien are great touches to make them more "alive" than plastic-building blocks are = Kudos!

The real kicker was that both builds were uploaded circa 2007! Awesome and timeless, nevertheless! Now to find out more about that LEGO Predator bust!
Then the above LEGO-build popped into my Facebook-stream, and I knew I was 'fated' to track down more, and it turns out to be made by the ARVO Brothers (whom also did an AKIRA bike from Kaneda I blogged about before!). You can see more of the Alien Chestbuster here. Of course that could not prepare me for the awesomeness that which is the LEGO ALIEN in all-black (featuring design from HR Giger). The dripping red blood for the chestbuster and drool for the Alien are great touches to make them more "alive" than plastic-building blocks are = Kudos!
The real kicker was that both builds were uploaded circa 2007! Awesome and timeless, nevertheless! Now to find out more about that LEGO Predator bust!