Illustration Zine 'HIGHLIGHT' from Ryuji Oguni

From Japanese Illustrator Ryuji Oguni (of A.R.E graphixxx) comes images of his zine titled "HIGHLIGHT" - featuring his own artwork, as well as collaborations with overseas artists - including one with QUICCS!
Amazing mecha-licious imagery, I must say - and goes down extremely well with my own penchant for all-things robots! Thus far at least 5 issues has been released, and I want them ALL! (I am currently on a fanzine-trip) … Want to score one for yourselves? Drop Ryuji an email at! Meanwhile, check out these images!

Above-left is an illustration by Ryuji, while above-right shows the prototype cover art for a collaboration with our friend QUICCS (with an original concept and sketchwork by Ryuji) for HIGHLIGHT Vol.6!