ReAction Figures Return To Super7

SUPER7 PRESS: ”Super7 Retail, Inc. and Funko, LLC are pleased to announce that, effective immediately, Super7 Retail will resume designing, manufacturing, and distributing ReAction Figures and related merchandise. Since 2013, Super7 has partnered with Funko to release the ReAction line to great success. Super7 will build on that success by debuting a variety of new and exciting ReAction Figures in the coming months and years. Funko will continue to focus on growing its core lines of pop culture-licensed collectibles and apparel into 2017 and beyond, including developing an all-new line of action figures produced solely by Funko. Super7 invites inquiries from wholesalers, retailers and licensees regarding Super7's full-line of ReAction Figures.” (November 10th, 2016, San Francisco, Ca.)
All inquiries regarding ReAction Figures should be directed to:
3135 24th St.
San Francisco, CA.
(415) 227-4700
All wholesale inquiries should be directed to:
Brian Lew
(415) 227-4700
All licensing inquiries should be directed to:
Joshua Herbolsheimer
(415) 227-4700

I don’t know about YOU folks, but the blister-carded ReAction figure is a very welcomed inclusion to the toy-collection sphere, as it embodies both pop-culture sentimentalism and the current “trend” of blister-carding “non-licensed” figures in the indie toy-producing world, with the figures themselves harking back to the good old simpler days, before the advent of McFarlene Toys of insane detailing - which to me personally as a child, would rather PLAY with the non-detailed “toys”, than opening up the blister trays for the uber-detailed Spawn toys - which ironically gather dust in storage still hahaha
But then again, prices for ReAction figures essentially double here in Singapore (US$10 = SGD$20) for regular retail, while select prices are jacked up to SG$25 and beyond at the secondary markets (AKA CSC) … BUT the “great” thing about ReAction figures? I can choose individual figures as opposed to collecting the entire SET.
Of course if I could afford to, I’d get the set, c’mon! LOL
Featured above are a few ReAction figures of recent / upcoming releases folks can get at (on my Toy-Wish List too, anyways) … click on images linked to original blogposts, thanks :)