Junk World Trailer (& Full Film of "Junk Head")
From director, scriptwriter, cinematographer, lighting and editor Takahide Hori comes stop-motion film "JUNK WORLD", with the trailer released in anticipation of it's "June 13" premiere in 2025!
Four years after "JUNK HEAD" took the world by storm - the latest film ("prequel" or "sequel"?), "JUNK WORLD," depicts the world 1,042 years ago ...!
STORY (In Japanese text with Google translated English):
遥か昔、人類は地上の生息域減少により地下開発を進めた。 その労働力として人間に似せた人工生命体のマリガンを創造。 しかしマリガンは自らのクローンを増やして勢力を広め人類に反乱。 第3次停戦協定から230年後の世界。人類は地上に留まり地球規模に 広がった地下世界をマリガンが支配していた。
"Long ago, humanity began developing underground due to the decline of aboveground habitats. They created a human-like artificial lifeform called Mulligan to serve as a labor force. However, Mulligan increased the number of his own clones, expanded his influence, and rebelled against humanity.
The world is 230 years after the Third Truce Agreement. Humanity remains aboveground, and Mulligan rules over the underground world that has spread across the globe."
急遽、人間とマリガンによる地下世界の異変を探る調査チームが結成された。 女性隊長トリス率いる人間チームと、クローンのオリジナルであるダンテ率いるマリガンチームは共に目的地である地下都市カープバールを目指すが、マリガンのカルト教団「ギュラ教」に襲撃されてしまう。彼らの標的は希少種とされる人間の女性=トリス。しかしトリスにはロボットのロビンが護衛として帯同していた。
"Something strange is happening in the underground world. An investigation team consisting of humans and Mulligans is hastily formed to investigate the strange happenings in the underground world.
The human team led by female captain Tris and the Mulligan team led by the original clone Dante both head for their destination, the underground city of Karpbar, but are attacked by Mulligan's cult, the Gyula Cult. Their target is Tris, a human woman considered a rare species. However, Tris is accompanied by the robot Robin as her guard."
「ギュラ教」と戦い、調査を進めるが、圧倒的な戦力の差に苦戦を強いられる調査チーム。その激しい攻防の中で彼らは次元の<歪み>を発見する。そしてロビンはトリスを守るため次元を超えた作戦を計画するが-。 地下世界に隠された謎と異変の正体とは?そして次元を超えた戦いの末にロビンが下す決断とは?
"Protect Lady Toris"
"The investigation team fights the "Gyula Cult" and continues their investigation, but is forced to struggle with the overwhelming difference in strength. In the midst of this fierce battle, they discover a dimensional. Robin then plans a plan that transcends dimensions to protect Toris, but...
What is the true nature of the mystery and strange events hidden in the underground world? And what decision will Robin make at the end of this battle that transcends dimensions?"
Production took three years, and you can find out more via it's dedicated www at junkworld-movie.com and stay updated via it's socials at x.com/JUNKWORLD_movie, cheers.
And if you were wondering about "Junk Head", scroll down for the full 1-hour 40-minuter embed (with English subtitles too)...!
BONUS: Toy-creators with similar aesthetics include;
Four years after "JUNK HEAD" took the world by storm - the latest film ("prequel" or "sequel"?), "JUNK WORLD," depicts the world 1,042 years ago ...!
STORY (In Japanese text with Google translated English):
遥か昔、人類は地上の生息域減少により地下開発を進めた。 その労働力として人間に似せた人工生命体のマリガンを創造。 しかしマリガンは自らのクローンを増やして勢力を広め人類に反乱。 第3次停戦協定から230年後の世界。人類は地上に留まり地球規模に 広がった地下世界をマリガンが支配していた。
"Long ago, humanity began developing underground due to the decline of aboveground habitats. They created a human-like artificial lifeform called Mulligan to serve as a labor force. However, Mulligan increased the number of his own clones, expanded his influence, and rebelled against humanity.
The world is 230 years after the Third Truce Agreement. Humanity remains aboveground, and Mulligan rules over the underground world that has spread across the globe."
急遽、人間とマリガンによる地下世界の異変を探る調査チームが結成された。 女性隊長トリス率いる人間チームと、クローンのオリジナルであるダンテ率いるマリガンチームは共に目的地である地下都市カープバールを目指すが、マリガンのカルト教団「ギュラ教」に襲撃されてしまう。彼らの標的は希少種とされる人間の女性=トリス。しかしトリスにはロボットのロビンが護衛として帯同していた。
"Something strange is happening in the underground world. An investigation team consisting of humans and Mulligans is hastily formed to investigate the strange happenings in the underground world.
The human team led by female captain Tris and the Mulligan team led by the original clone Dante both head for their destination, the underground city of Karpbar, but are attacked by Mulligan's cult, the Gyula Cult. Their target is Tris, a human woman considered a rare species. However, Tris is accompanied by the robot Robin as her guard."
「ギュラ教」と戦い、調査を進めるが、圧倒的な戦力の差に苦戦を強いられる調査チーム。その激しい攻防の中で彼らは次元の<歪み>を発見する。そしてロビンはトリスを守るため次元を超えた作戦を計画するが-。 地下世界に隠された謎と異変の正体とは?そして次元を超えた戦いの末にロビンが下す決断とは?
"Protect Lady Toris"
"The investigation team fights the "Gyula Cult" and continues their investigation, but is forced to struggle with the overwhelming difference in strength. In the midst of this fierce battle, they discover a dimensional
What is the true nature of the mystery and strange events hidden in the underground world? And what decision will Robin make at the end of this battle that transcends dimensions?"
Production took three years, and you can find out more via it's dedicated www at junkworld-movie.com and stay updated via it's socials at x.com/JUNKWORLD_movie, cheers.
And if you were wondering about "Junk Head", scroll down for the full 1-hour 40-minuter embed (with English subtitles too)...!