> ring ring
(disclaimer: i wrote this @ 1am on a sunday morning, twitching awake from coffee insertion into my battered+confused~body and a basic lack of nicotine-intake, so ... yah ... actually meant for my multiply first, so might read weird ... yar ... *twitch.twitch* ... okaaayyy....)
okay, so i've gotten my mobilephone back from limbo ... thebegging for $$$ resuscitation was a real fcukin'bitch ... tho now of coz the muthafcukah's choosing to not let me SMS~out, even tho i CAN and have been receiving smses ... apologies to all who've messaged me so far = tis not becoz i proud and dun wanna reply, orhkeeeeee? ;p ... tis probably the settings (as some say) and of coz the "instruction manual" helps not in this endeavour ... i wonder why? ... maybe becoz motorolagh sucks balls? (apologies for me bad speeeliing as i dun wanna be sued, innit? BAH) ... maybe maybe ... and all i can do is be but a helpless putz, cradling the mobile in my palmy-hands, sweating beads of self-diffused-anger ... *crunch* (i wish)

am suddenly missing the peace during the tenure of my mobile's untimely death ... but i digress :p
and of coz the inevitable wonderment at modern technology (or maybe becoz tis the cuppa 3-in-1-coffee i just foolishly downed *BAH*) - whereby a simple-voiced "hello" from the phone~receiver is replaced unceremoniously with cold lifeless digital-lines ofprose missives; cordial or otherwise. such is technology, when it desensitizes and dilutes the human response systems to mere texted~lines? where a simple message might be read or misread otherwise, thank gawd for the smiley-icon! :)
how the fug to read between digital-lines, innit? ;p
but of coz, as it says: Short Message System (SMS, duh) = which is essentially a "short note". a summary of the entire encyclopedia that is the human language / communication, compressed in a byte-sized snack for the brain to crunchmunch-on; which in essence, is a good thing (heck, better than reading an entire long journal entry like mine here, innit? BAAAAAAH! ;p = but bare in mind; one day, you will be able to even read-off entire journals via LAMS; "Long-A$$-Message-System", innit? MUAAHAHAHAHA) ... and it too doesn't bother peeps that much when they're in the midst of some random activity, innit? sure as heck's better than someone calling you up in the middle of you doing the nasty and then being asked; "have i called you at a bad time?" ...
... dun bluff.
heh ;p
which in any event isalways also a good "buffer" for anything that ya might not wanna face directly, innit? just an sms-rejection away = tis lighter than a heard-on-da-phone: "stay away from me, you freak-O!" ... or a in-person-in-your-face: *SCHALP*. and yer let your fingers do the talking ... nice one this ... technology dilutes the human response, yet again :)
and no, dun be mistaken ~ alla this is not about a slap (tis just a "nudge") on the titanium--made-for-spaceshuttle-casings-of-mobile-phones' faces (just in case your h/p gets launched into orbit ... just in case ...), which everyone seems to have and seemingly need in their everyday lives; in this day and age ... tis just an "observation" (*insert-smiley-icon-here*) :)
and i remembered looking at the kids (primary school and all) at the polyclinic recently (when i myself didnt have my phone) and marvelled at their constant sms-ing to gawd-knows-who; maybe their frens who have HPs as well? "yipee! gt MC 4 2day! no nd go Mrs.Tanz math class lieowz! LOLZ" ... or even to their mums and dads, telling them: "yes mummy, imz at e polyclinic nw. no wori i cum bk soon." ~ tho what happened to a simple phonecall and saying the words out loud? (coz the clinic sure wasn't quiet, as everyone else was toking loudloud like wetmarket like that lor!) ...
is everybody that busy; to talk? have we forgotten how to communicate? how to talk to other people? face-to-face? head-to-head? heart-to-heart? ... how a simply-heard "hello" might sooth the most painful of aches? how a simple "hope you are fine" might put the strongest person to tears? or even a "i miss you" might calm even the fiercest of mortal~tsunamis?
the irony being, you are reading this now, rather than hearing (about) it ... or maybe somethings are meant to be read, rather than be heard? hahahaha or maybe at 140am in the freekin sunday morning, that's all we/i can afford to do, innit? heh ;p
awhile back, was chatting with a taxi-uncle; whereby he was going-on about the number of mobilephones found/left behind in taxicabs islandwide (something in the region of 10,000!) ever since the advent of mobilephones in singaland ... where it has now become a "norm" and less of a hassle "to replace" (unlike fools like me wif no $$$ lah BAH) ... and which the conversation led to the "good old days" where pagers (remember those?) where the closest thing to "instant messaging/communications", besides using land-lines. then the advent of PCNs ("Personal Communications Network"? fcuked if i can remember what it stands for tho ~ but i have one at home! my retro-prop heh) - i remembered it to be kewl and shitte then! so proud of it and i even had afake leather-casing for it sial! latched unto my fake designer-belt, i was ready to take on the world! BWAHAHAHAHA ... but of coz could only talk in certain places/zones and was after a fashion (becoz thatz what it was) a pain-in-da-@$$ (aand also quite paiseh to be screaming "hello? hello? can you hear meeeeee?" on mrts and public lah) ... and no, i did not ever owned the "water-bottle-handphone" (was it also motorolagh's? ahahahahahaha *PUI*) ... to the now all-your-life's-needs-in-one handheld miracle of modern communications and technology.
"hey! lemme take a pix of you! smile? and i send to you? or i take video of you making a fool of yourself? and i bluetooth to peeps around me without telling you? can?"
confession: yes, i have been a poor victim, i have ... maybe "you've seen me" and not know t'was me? *shudder~sob*
could you imagine (or for old fogeys like me, "remember") what/when it was like, when alla these gadgets existed not? when all we had was a home phone and/or possibly an office phone? like a conversation i had recently: "like that how to confirm meeting someone or not ah?"
"we confirm first from homephone and make sure to turn up on time and at the rightly designated place"
heh. imagine that. people making sure they held unto their words and "promise", then. when everything else is a true reason and not an easy "excuse" to not be where they said they would be ... imagine that ... :)
tho of coz, with current technology, we CAN enhance our lives and "increase productivity" (wah, i sound like garhmen like dat hor? ;p) with instant communications narrowing the intangible and tangible gaps, innit? ... no doubt (insert: *invisible wanking gesture* here) no doubt ... and "time" becomes malleable and technology's the tool that hammers it all in ... heh ... and yes we/i am thankful :)
just wished i had a better fugging tool (*cough*handphone*cough*), innit? ;p
i remembered reading a few days back (yes, i do "read"; kind folks), in the Life section on a visitinghack writer, who's proclaiming that the earth is flat ... and i figure mayhap he's right after all ... for the handphone is sorta flat too, innit? and the humble handphone's the marvel that ties everyone together ... just wished we "humans" could be "heard" again ...
or maybe i just need a new mobilephone?
OR i should just lay-off the coffee at night ... hhmm ...
okay, so i've gotten my mobilephone back from limbo ... the
and of coz the inevitable wonderment at modern technology (or maybe becoz tis the cuppa 3-in-1-coffee i just foolishly downed *BAH*) - whereby a simple-voiced "hello" from the phone~receiver is replaced unceremoniously with cold lifeless digital-lines of
but of coz, as it says: Short Message System (SMS, duh) = which is essentially a "short note". a summary of the entire encyclopedia that is the human language / communication, compressed in a byte-sized snack for the brain to crunchmunch-on; which in essence, is a good thing (heck, better than reading an entire long journal entry like mine here, innit? BAAAAAAH! ;p = but bare in mind; one day, you will be able to even read-off entire journals via LAMS; "Long-A$$-Message-System", innit? MUAAHAHAHAHA) ... and it too doesn't bother peeps that much when they're in the midst of some random activity, innit? sure as heck's better than someone calling you up in the middle of you doing the nasty and then being asked; "have i called you at a bad time?" ...
heh ;p
which in any event is
and no, dun be mistaken ~ alla this is not about a slap (tis just a "nudge") on the titanium--made-for-spaceshuttle-casings-of-mobile-phones' faces (just in case your h/p gets launched into orbit ... just in case ...), which everyone seems to have and seemingly need in their everyday lives; in this day and age ... tis just an "observation" (*insert-smiley-icon-here*) :)
and i remembered looking at the kids (primary school and all) at the polyclinic recently (when i myself didnt have my phone) and marvelled at their constant sms-ing to gawd-knows-who; maybe their frens who have HPs as well? "yipee! gt MC 4 2day! no nd go Mrs.Tanz math class lieowz! LOLZ" ... or even to their mums and dads, telling them: "yes mummy, imz at e polyclinic nw. no wori i cum bk soon." ~ tho what happened to a simple phonecall and saying the words out loud? (coz the clinic sure wasn't quiet, as everyone else was toking loudloud like wetmarket like that lor!) ...
is everybody that busy; to talk? have we forgotten how to communicate? how to talk to other people? face-to-face? head-to-head? heart-to-heart? ... how a simply-heard "hello" might sooth the most painful of aches? how a simple "hope you are fine" might put the strongest person to tears? or even a "i miss you" might calm even the fiercest of mortal~tsunamis?
the irony being, you are reading this now, rather than hearing (about) it ... or maybe somethings are meant to be read, rather than be heard? hahahaha or maybe at 140am in the freekin sunday morning, that's all we/i can afford to do, innit? heh ;p
awhile back, was chatting with a taxi-uncle; whereby he was going-on about the number of mobilephones found/left behind in taxicabs islandwide (something in the region of 10,000!) ever since the advent of mobilephones in singaland ... where it has now become a "norm" and less of a hassle "to replace" (unlike fools like me wif no $$$ lah BAH) ... and which the conversation led to the "good old days" where pagers (remember those?) where the closest thing to "instant messaging/communications", besides using land-lines. then the advent of PCNs ("Personal Communications Network"? fcuked if i can remember what it stands for tho ~ but i have one at home! my retro-prop heh) - i remembered it to be kewl and shitte then! so proud of it and i even had a
confession: yes, i have been a poor victim, i have ... maybe "you've seen me" and not know t'was me? *shudder~sob*
could you imagine (or for old fogeys like me, "remember") what/when it was like, when alla these gadgets existed not? when all we had was a home phone and/or possibly an office phone? like a conversation i had recently: "like that how to confirm meeting someone or not ah?"
heh. imagine that. people making sure they held unto their words and "promise", then. when everything else is a true reason and not an easy "excuse" to not be where they said they would be ... imagine that ... :)
tho of coz, with current technology, we CAN enhance our lives and "increase productivity" (wah, i sound like garhmen like dat hor? ;p) with instant communications narrowing the intangible and tangible gaps, innit? ... no doubt (insert: *invisible wanking gesture* here) no doubt ... and "time" becomes malleable and technology's the tool that hammers it all in ... heh ... and yes we/i am thankful :)
i remembered reading a few days back (yes, i do "read"; kind folks), in the Life section on a visiting
or maybe i just need a new mobilephone?
OR i should just lay-off the coffee at night ... hhmm ...