Da Dookie-Poo Interview
just who is Dookie-Poo? a jet-setting world-traveller? a young upstart
star in a music video? a breakout character-star waiting to explode?
or a narcissistic photograph-hound with his very own website, blog
and even myspace? or is he just your regular Joe-Poo from Pooville?
in the midst of his whirlwind world-tour, i managed to track Dookie-Poo
down for a blog-interview, where we uncover the myth, the legend, the
Poo-meister ...*after the JUMP*
toysrevil: with the debate going-on on your blog now [read here 1st], has anybody really asked you whether you'd rather be a plush or a vinyl toy?
dookie: People am saying things to Dookie all the time. "Hi Dookie!"? "What am you doing Dookie?"? "Cam I borrow 5 dollars Dookie?"? "Do you wamt fries with that?"? "What is that horrible smell?"? "Good god what are you?"? "Don't touch that it's imfected!"? "It's alive! Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!"
Um, Sorry, me not remember the question.
toysrevil: would you rather be a plush or a vinyl figure?
dookie: That am tough question. It hurt my brain. Dookie like what vinyl smell like when it am burning. So Dookie will have to say Me would rather be made of cheese.
toysrevil: plushies are for huggies, vinyls are for irritating folks on their car dashboards but cheese is your friend. is Chorocco your girlfriend?
dookie: Chorocco am a GIRL?!!!!
toysrevil: then WHO is? ... your "girlfriend" i mean ...
dookie: Dookie am single, like a slice of Kraft cheese. Me not am afraid to commit. Dookie meet many beautiful women on MYSPACE, some not even women! But Me just waiting for right girl to come along. Sweep Dookie off feet. Me am hopeless romantic.
Well, maybe just hopeless.
toysrevil: that's a problem when you're listed as 100-year-old cheese ... btw, what is a "dookie-poo"?
dookie: Dookie am my first name. Poo am all of our last names. We am all called Poo's in Dookie's village. We am actually ELF-CHIDNA. Magical, ground burrowing warm blooded creatures.
toysrevil: so you folks were not brought in by a stork? ... then do you know where you're really from?
dookie: Poo's am naturally occurring. Like immaculate concemption. Or MIDI-CHLORIAN's. Me know that am boring way to be conceived. All Poo's live im Pooville im Serenity Forest. This am enchanted land. Many magical creatures am things happen there. It am like living with David Blaine or Sigfried am Roy, only no white tigers. They bite. MAHGIC! "POOOF!" Hee, hee hee!
toysrevil: aaahhhh the farce is strong in this youngling ... then who immaculately-made and named you?
dookie: Cranky-Poo am the only Poo that am knowing the secret history of the Poo's. But he am too old to remember what it am. Someday maybe Chorocco and Dookie have a great adventure that reveal history of the Poo's in select theaters or direct to DVD, wide screen, surround sound am hi definition.
(TRE: Ya hear that HOLLYWOOD?)
toysrevil: what do you do when you're not at conventions and making appearances everywhere?
dookie: Dookie plays Garbles™ with Chorocco Tofu. Me have play dates with the pellets, play video games, watch cartoons and race go karts. Dookie am also Den Mother to the Poo Scouts. We go camping am fishing.
Oooh! Me also polish my rock collection. Me eat rock collection. Sometimes me talk to rock collection. They never let me get word in edgewise. Me love rocks. Tofu say Dookie am a "Stoner".
toysrevil: and where's the best place to hangout with your friends?
dookie: Dookie hang out mostly in Pooville. Dookie's Digloo, Chorocco's house or SNAFU's POP SHOP SHACK.
toysrevil: ...hhhmmm... i would've figured you for a poolside-Poo .. anyways, how do you like the fame so far? paparazzi giving you anyshitte grief?
dookie: Dookie love it! Me love people. Emeryone am so nice am different. Me just want to be friemds with emerybody. Dookie just not like all paparazzi emerywhere. Dookie just want to hang out with friend Lindsey or Paris or even Britney but paparazzi am constantly trying to take Dookie's picture. Me feel so bad for my friends getting flashes in them eyes all the time.
Here me am on "Cooter" duty with friend Paris. She am so terribly poor she cam't afford not even one pair of Umderwear!
dookie: Dookie have to protect my friends virtues. Paris am on tv show called SIMPLE LIFE with animated stick figure called Nicole Ritchie.
toysrevil: with so many friends around you, who is your best friend in Pooville and all the world?
dookie: Silly, Chorocco Tofu am Dookie's bestest friend. She not think Dookie am dumb like other Poo's. She like Dookie just the way Dookie am. Chorocco am getting Dookie out of all sorts of tight jams. And sometimes brings Dookie some bread with jam.
toysrevil: are you sure Chorroco's not your girlfriend?
dookie: Well she am friend, am she am girl. So me guess she am my friend girl?
toysrevil: youslippery sly-Poo, you ... speaking about "fame", how was your experience in your first ever music video? did you enjoy it?
dookie: Dookie love it. Me love music. Director was so nice too. Dookie am smart as a rock. Me always standing on wrong side of camera. But video very successful. MTV am always calling to see my "crib" but me not have baby.
toysrevil: "Dookie-Poo; Movie Star"! are the rumors true?
dookie: That movie starring Dookie and Pamela Amderson was not official release. It am stolen from her personal safe. Someday Dookie wouldn't mind being movie star if it makes Dookie more friends.
toysrevil: if you were to do a feature film, who will you get to play you?
dookie: Gary Coleman. He am good choice. Almost the right size and already he am brown.
toysrevil: who will you get to be your actress in your passionate kissing scene?
dookie: Hmmm, this am tough. Me love Jessica Alba. Maybe Jessica Biel? Or maybe Jessica Tandy? Dookie can drive Miss Daisy.
toysrevil: you can never go wrong with the two Jessicas (the first two, not the last one, pfanks) ... quick (trick) question: strawberry or chocolate?
dookie: Yes please!
toysrevil: i see you're jet-setting around now ... what is the thing you hate most about traveling?
dookie: Dookie not hate amything ever. Me not smart enough to hate. Hate lead to amger. Amger leads to arrest. Arrest leads to a successful rap career. And Dookie not ready to be a rapper yet. Me can't carry a 40 ounce and me don't have a garden shed to keep any hoes in.
toysrevil: do you miss Chorocco the most when you travel?
dookie: I miss all of Pooville, but Dookie miss Chorocco the most. Thamkfully, Chorocco am always having to track Dookie down am bring me home. Me bad with directions. Dookie can't find left hand without a map. Dookie can't find map without another map.
toysrevil: what is Dookie-Poo planning next? a tv cartoon series? a rock concert followed by a tour? world domination?
dookie: Dookie am Chorocco am going to be in new music video for GIFTED GEE. He am terrific Canadian freestyle rapper. Me not know when video am finished. Dookie make announcement later. Dookie not imterested im world dominatchoes, too much liquid cheese and me not super villain anyway. Me can't even put on clothes, how am me supposed to run world?
Me not know what future will bring. Dookie like to live One Day at a Time, like Valerie Bertinelli. Me just want to make people happy. BLARGH!
toysrevil: my thanks to Dookie andMannyG Cranky-Poo for facilitaing the interview *waves bye-bye* & also a shout-out to END for the Dookie-intro!
star in a music video? a breakout character-star waiting to explode?
or a narcissistic photograph-hound with his very own website, blog
and even myspace? or is he just your regular Joe-Poo from Pooville?
in the midst of his whirlwind world-tour, i managed to track Dookie-Poo
down for a blog-interview, where we uncover the myth, the legend, the
Poo-meister ...*after the JUMP*
dookie: People am saying things to Dookie all the time. "Hi Dookie!"? "What am you doing Dookie?"? "Cam I borrow 5 dollars Dookie?"? "Do you wamt fries with that?"? "What is that horrible smell?"? "Good god what are you?"? "Don't touch that it's imfected!"? "It's alive! Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!"
Um, Sorry, me not remember the question.
toysrevil: would you rather be a plush or a vinyl figure?
dookie: That am tough question. It hurt my brain. Dookie like what vinyl smell like when it am burning. So Dookie will have to say Me would rather be made of cheese.
toysrevil: plushies are for huggies, vinyls are for irritating folks on their car dashboards but cheese is your friend. is Chorocco your girlfriend?
dookie: Chorocco am a GIRL?!!!!
dookie: Dookie am single, like a slice of Kraft cheese. Me not am afraid to commit. Dookie meet many beautiful women on MYSPACE, some not even women! But Me just waiting for right girl to come along. Sweep Dookie off feet. Me am hopeless romantic.
Well, maybe just hopeless.
toysrevil: that's a problem when you're listed as 100-year-old cheese ... btw, what is a "dookie-poo"?
dookie: Dookie am my first name. Poo am all of our last names. We am all called Poo's in Dookie's village. We am actually ELF-CHIDNA. Magical, ground burrowing warm blooded creatures.
dookie: Poo's am naturally occurring. Like immaculate concemption. Or MIDI-CHLORIAN's. Me know that am boring way to be conceived. All Poo's live im Pooville im Serenity Forest. This am enchanted land. Many magical creatures am things happen there. It am like living with David Blaine or Sigfried am Roy, only no white tigers. They bite. MAHGIC! "POOOF!" Hee, hee hee!
toysrevil: aaahhhh the farce is strong in this youngling ... then who immaculately-made and named you?
dookie: Cranky-Poo am the only Poo that am knowing the secret history of the Poo's. But he am too old to remember what it am. Someday maybe Chorocco and Dookie have a great adventure that reveal history of the Poo's in select theaters or direct to DVD, wide screen, surround sound am hi definition.
(TRE: Ya hear that HOLLYWOOD?)
toysrevil: what do you do when you're not at conventions and making appearances everywhere?
dookie: Dookie plays Garbles™ with Chorocco Tofu. Me have play dates with the pellets, play video games, watch cartoons and race go karts. Dookie am also Den Mother to the Poo Scouts. We go camping am fishing.
Oooh! Me also polish my rock collection. Me eat rock collection. Sometimes me talk to rock collection. They never let me get word in edgewise. Me love rocks. Tofu say Dookie am a "Stoner".
toysrevil: and where's the best place to hangout with your friends?
dookie: Dookie hang out mostly in Pooville. Dookie's Digloo, Chorocco's house or SNAFU's POP SHOP SHACK.
toysrevil: ...hhhmmm... i would've figured you for a poolside-Poo .. anyways, how do you like the fame so far? paparazzi giving you any
Here me am on "Cooter" duty with friend Paris. She am so terribly poor she cam't afford not even one pair of Umderwear!
dookie: Dookie have to protect my friends virtues. Paris am on tv show called SIMPLE LIFE with animated stick figure called Nicole Ritchie.
toysrevil: with so many friends around you, who is your best friend in Pooville and all the world?
dookie: Silly, Chorocco Tofu am Dookie's bestest friend. She not think Dookie am dumb like other Poo's. She like Dookie just the way Dookie am. Chorocco am getting Dookie out of all sorts of tight jams. And sometimes brings Dookie some bread with jam.
toysrevil: are you sure Chorroco's not your girlfriend?
dookie: Well she am friend, am she am girl. So me guess she am my friend girl?
toysrevil: you
dookie: Dookie love it. Me love music. Director was so nice too. Dookie am smart as a rock. Me always standing on wrong side of camera. But video very successful. MTV am always calling to see my "crib" but me not have baby.
dookie: That movie starring Dookie and Pamela Amderson was not official release. It am stolen from her personal safe. Someday Dookie wouldn't mind being movie star if it makes Dookie more friends.
toysrevil: if you were to do a feature film, who will you get to play you?
dookie: Gary Coleman. He am good choice. Almost the right size and already he am brown.
toysrevil: who will you get to be your actress in your passionate kissing scene?
dookie: Hmmm, this am tough. Me love Jessica Alba. Maybe Jessica Biel? Or maybe Jessica Tandy? Dookie can drive Miss Daisy.
toysrevil: you can never go wrong with the two Jessicas (the first two, not the last one, pfanks) ... quick (trick) question: strawberry or chocolate?
dookie: Yes please!
toysrevil: i see you're jet-setting around now ... what is the thing you hate most about traveling?
dookie: Dookie not hate amything ever. Me not smart enough to hate. Hate lead to amger. Amger leads to arrest. Arrest leads to a successful rap career. And Dookie not ready to be a rapper yet. Me can't carry a 40 ounce and me don't have a garden shed to keep any hoes in.
toysrevil: do you miss Chorocco the most when you travel?
dookie: I miss all of Pooville, but Dookie miss Chorocco the most. Thamkfully, Chorocco am always having to track Dookie down am bring me home. Me bad with directions. Dookie can't find left hand without a map. Dookie can't find map without another map.
toysrevil: what is Dookie-Poo planning next? a tv cartoon series? a rock concert followed by a tour? world domination?
Me not know what future will bring. Dookie like to live One Day at a Time, like Valerie Bertinelli. Me just want to make people happy. BLARGH!
toysrevil: my thanks to Dookie and