1/6 Joker Police Officer Version by Hot Toys

"To salute the Best Joker ever! - To celebrate Health Ledger won the Best Actor in a Supporting Role at OSCAR with his brilliant performance in The Dark Knight as The Joker, Hot Toys decided to issue a very rare version of this character to enrich your collection. It will be The Police Officer version comes with a clean face painting and dressed in Police Officer costume, have you been praying for this after read our January newsletter? Let's take a glance of our 12" The Joker collectible figure (Police Officer version) teaser pic right away! And don't miss any of our future newsletters to get more details and images of this unique collectible. " [CLICK THRU to see the FULL image / More details as I get them!]
[Above: Brightened-image of toy by Hot Toys / Below: Sneak-still from the movie The Dark Knight]