TTF09 WRAP-UP: Q&A with Dom of Darkbox Workshop (Exhibitor @ Taipei Toy Festival 2009)

TRE spoke to exhibitor and designer Dom of Darkbox Workshop about his impressions for this year's Taipei Toy Festival. Five years in, with previous products on display including Shadowman and Silver Death. This year Dom debut Darkbox's windup toy; "Walker Bomb" (Event Set-up pics here).


TOYSREVIL: Dom! how was the show?

DOM: The show is so-so only, because the Taiwan People had a change in tastes. In this show I found that there were many booths which sold tees, which means this show is also changing, and may not be only for toys.

TOYSREVIL: Yes, I'd also noticed that about the tees, especially from the promo materials emailed over! How many times have you been to TTF so far? (Including this year). And how was the experience this year, compared to last year? Or previous years?

DOM: 5 years already

Now the Taiwan People like toys big in size and high in price with limited runs and have brand, because they want to sell at a higher price in YahooAuctions or Ebay. We feel that they don't like to know what they are buying, they just see the quantities.

TOYSREVIL: "Sellers' Market", eh? The trends they are a changing ... How many days were you there? And did you score any good toys? Or wish you did or regret not scoring during the event? What do you collect?

DOM: We stayed in Taipei a total 7 days.

I bought a Tai Fu tee x 1pc, the shark head man (small ver. / keychain) the big one is high price around NT$10000, one Taiwan designer toy (a crazy kid with different deco) and one crazy label toys with GID.

TOYSREVIL: Anything interesting that caught your eye? That made you want to own or try to own the toy/figure/s?

DOM: Only one the shark head figure, but too high.

TOYSREVIL: Nice. What was your personal impression of the event? A Success or Failure? And Why?

DOM: On the 1st and 2nd day, it was very hot because the air con was not work and push many people come to buy the target items and then they will leave the show.

For the business is not good because this place is new and people need to come here to see the show, if last year because it was held in a shopping mall - which may be better, as many different kinds of people came.

In this new place we could not buy food easily, and the Monster Taipai people also didn't advise us, so I did not feel so good about that.

[Darkbox Workshop's Booth @ TTF 2009]

TOYSREVIL: What was your most memorable happening/incident/item of TTF 2009?

DOM: This is 1st time I with my wife and my son and last night have earthquake at 02:05

TOYSREVIL: Glad all of you are alright tho, Dom! Thanks for your time - and in closing - what's up next? Looking forward to exhibiting again in 2010?

DOM: May be make some bigger things and do some crossover with my best friend.

Images via Dom's & Winny's FBs
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