Artist-Feature: art:tech for Eightyfourcube x Nookanooka
Visually stunned by the intense fine-line-work scriggled crisp but not straight, like the machinery-in mid-motion, or at least that's what my eyes tell my brain, which in turns make my fingers type this description out (and yes, I use both hands to type, thanks). And then I thought; "How the heck can one person draw all these up without going insane or blind?" ~ quickly followed by; "dude must have nano-elves helping him draw" ... to which I put the artist known as art:tech (of Eightyfourcube) thru a series of questions, which you can read the answers for (along with snaps galore) by CLICKING THRU.
TOYSREVIL: from first line drawn to the last shade, how long did it take to do up the nooka?
ART:TECH: i did only 1 nookanooka. it took me almost 2 days worth of working hours, from basic concept to final line art.
TOYSREVIL: how do you start? do you have an initial master-plan? or do you go where your ink takes you?
ART:TECH: as funny as it sounds ā all my works are usually treated like recipes. ingredients, a set of instructions and the voila! an yummy final product.
usually, first iād lay out my ingredients, then develop and conceptualize my character. then, iād sketch-up a rough concept on paper to come out with the composition. then comes along basic, just basic, outlines on the actual figure. Sorta like instructional bits where goes where. and finally, ill start drawing the final line art with marker and adds in all the details.
but then again, I kinda tend to mix up the instructions bit ā¦ and end up where the ink takes me!
TOYSREVIL: c'mon, tell us the truth ~ you have a dozen little elves helping you with the fine-detailing, didn't you? (heh). how do you stay focused to draw?
ART:TECH: actually yes, i have small robotic minions inside my body. they help me to come out with crazy ideas and fine-detailing. most of them live and work in my center processing unit, they develop many programs that i can use when i need to get creative. 40% of them work full time in my right hand, about 40% in my brain and another 20% wonder around in my body making babies and weird stuff.
i dont really know exactly how do i stay focus. the only thing thatās important and mainly generated in my mind application is 'i need to get this done and it needs to be as detailed as possible' and i am enjoy every process of it.
TOYSREVIL: what is your soundtrack of choice when doing customs? who do you listen to?
ART:TECH: it depends on my mood. sometimes i listen to City and Color and Norman Brown if i need to have a peaceful environment. most of the time, i listen to bands like Emery, Alexisonfire, Underoath and The Used. and if i need energy, ill listen to bands like All That Remains, Slipknot, Protest The Hero and As I Lay Dying. and sometimes i enjoy Daft Punk, Soulwax, Black Eyed Peas and Limp Bizkit.
This mix sounds very schizophrenic, I know. Blame the minions..
TOYSREVIL: is there any marked difference between a 2D canvas and a 3D one? any preference?
ART:TECH: there's a slight difference because of its the surface. its a bit tricky to draw on a 3d sculptures because i need to figure out where i can rest my palm on as a guide while im drawing the details carefully. its even harder if the surface are curved like this nookanooka. sometime i donāt have space for my hand so ill just draw 'on air'.
i think this is mainly because my work involves clean line art with permanent markers and the nookanooka is a one-and-only non-replacable 3d figure ā which acts as my canvas. i have no space for mistakes, there is no undo and no paint over to cover the mistakes.
[8 x images in slideshow above / CLICK for full-screen viewing]
TOYSREVIL: why not color? and why black and white lines?
ART:TECH: i want it to have a 'blueprint' feel. i want people to feel the originality and basic foundation of a 'drawing'. and i think with black and white drawing, the details are more outstanding and more structured.
TOYSREVIL: what inspires you? what influences you? what disgusts you?
ART:TECH: i think my inspiration comes mostly from my childhood. its the 80's - early 90's, everyone's talking about space vacation and time travel. But I definitely have to give creds from my longtime inspiration - the Back to the Future trilogy, the 90's illustrated science books about astronauts and space colonies, and comics like Dragon Ball.
Disgusts - I despise inhumane animal slaughters and pollution.
TOYSREVIL: tell us who you are. who is art:tech?
ART:TECH: im a bit of everything. i love to draw, i love to take photos, i do design & motion graphic for living and i play drums for my band. occasionally I enjoy dancing ā¦ when nobody is looking :D
And i love ToysReviL :D
[Check out more images via]