Seismic Centurion Update from Smash Tokyo Toys X Halfbad Toyz
Not too long after our earlier posted feature on HalfbadToyz taking on production of Smash Tokyo Toys' SEISMIC CENTURION do we get to see further development snaps of the collaboration, with the reveal of these green-with-glitter WIPs. These will be released in Green, Clear, Blue and Red crystal clear with glitter. Halfbad Toyz will be doing Glow in the Dark and Hand painted, to start.
Here is what Matty had to say on the STT Facebook: "Look for these to be released real soon with Halfbad Toys. They will be insanely limited. Smash Tokyo will initially be doing clear glitter colors while Halfbad will have the rights to do solids, painteds and GIDs. More info soon. These look stellar and we'll follow up with Seismic King and Beartank with head and arm packs for people who want to swap out parts."
The "swap-out-parts" is a well cool idea! Now to somehow get my hands on a Seismic Robot in the first place!