June 3rd is Drawing Cumulus Day on TOYSREVIL


As of 3pm on June 2nd, I have cued up 27 x illustration submissions for Drawing Cumulus - for publishing on June 3rd tomorrow = the final dateline-day of the competition! Hence, June 3rd will be DRAWING CUMULUS DAY on TOYSREVIL = All Cumulus All Day!

Spread between publishing times from 12noon, 3pm and 6pm, you will get to see more of the myriad of interpretations of Jonathan Edward's INSPECTOR CUMULUS, as made into a vinyl figure by Crazy Label (Both Jonathan and Andy Woo will be my co-judges to decide on the Top Three Winners once the competition dateline lapses). Find out more about the competition Details & Prizes HERE - and be sure to know your timezones! Dateline is emails received before 11:59PM / 23:59HRS on June 3rd SINGAPORE-TIME (+8 GMT) - approx 21 hours from this post - and the dateline will be strictly adhered to, no excuses - thanks for understanding, folks!
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