Uzumaki: The Animated Series - Ep1 Preview & Poster(s)
In anticipation of the 'September 28' premiere on Adult Swim (next day on HBO Max), a review of Episode 1: Azami Kurotani for "Uzumaki" anime has been released! Scroll thru to watch, along with a new poster image unleashed too!
Based on the original manga "UZUMAKI" by Junji ITO (published by Shogakukan Inc.), the black-and-white anime (reportedly) consists of four episodes, and will broadcast weekly.
Which will YOU choose? "Four" times the shivers? Or a one-time-binge marathon? LOL
Spiral into horror. Uzumaki: The Animated Series Sept 28th @ 12:30a | Next Day @StreamOnMax#uzumaki #anime
— adult swim (@adultswim) September 19, 2024
Ep1 Preview of #Uzumaki: The Animated Series on #TOYSREVIL:
— toysrevil (@toysrevil) September 26, 2024
Consisting of four episodes, and will broadcast weekly on #AdultSwim (next day on Max) starting September 28.
Which will YOU choose? "Four" times the shivers? Or a one-time-binge marathon? LOL