#PlayingWith DUDEBOX "The Big Bang" Series
Excavated a quartet of "The Big Bang" mini figures from Dudebox, this rainy Sunday afternoon (great weather to be cleaning toys, I must say :p), cleaned them up and am considering whether to keep them? Or list them up for sale(s), like I have THESE 3 figures "The Super Amazing Spectacular Collection" ...
WHAT-ARE: Founded in 2010, Dudebox's first collection was released in 2012, which I had snagged thanks to "free shipping"! Released on May 10th, "The Big Bang" blind boxed series debuted 10 designs across the three different Dude shapes.
Dudebox is no longer in operation (circa "2015"?), and I am alas unable to verify as there seems little record online. From the TOYSREVIL Blog-Archives, DUDEBOX essentially featured platform toy figures, as well had larger sized vinyl figures such as "Dai Ocean" (from Pete Fowler) and "King Monster" (from Ron English).
In the past, I had a "habit" of not reviewing toys/collectibles that I had paid for myself, but as time marches on, it also means toys such as these fall into the memory black-hole, and feels like such a "waste", methinks ... will attempt to do up a video review when I can get them all together, but no promises tho ... cheers.