A Closer Look at *I LIKE TOYS* Zine Issue 1&1/2
"I LIKE TOYS" is a self-published zine about designer / art toys produced by myself TOYSREVIL, with "Issue 1 & 1/2: first released in 2012 at Singapore Toy Games & Comic Con (STGCC 2012), where I helmed the TOYSREVIL booth! This is the first time I have attempted a "pageflip", along with my incessant narration!
The above video was first filmed on Instagram-Live (currently watchable here unedited on IG ), 13 years after being published, because I found a spare copy of otherwise sold out stock :)
This issue was meant to be a "bridge" between Issue #1 (published in 2010, with some articles republished in this issue), and Issue #2, which did not materialise, due to unfortunate circumstance and my abject lack :(
Nevertheless, featured below are some select images to share, cheers.

The above published interviews with Daniel Yu (@thedanielyu) and Gabriel "Diko" Tiongson (@diko_art)were actually reprinted from Issue #1 (released in 2010)! Below are new interviews with ANTZ (@antz_rscls) and The Yellow Dino (@theyellowdino), both of whom I also released prints with at STGCC 2012!

The "I LIKE RESIN TOYS" article can be read here in my previous feature from 2011, including a quote from the late Marine Ramdhani from MyTummyToys, R.I.P. my friend...

I had launched a "Recruitment On For Super-Heroes & Super-Villains" specifically meant for the zine (in "May 12, 2012"), the results for which had been interpreted by a invited group of creators and illustrators in the scene, for 4 covers of "I LILE TOYS" zone - namely;
Eric Nocella Diaz aka END of @argonautresins
Justin Rudy of Dynomight NYC
Jonathan Leong aka ZXEROKOOL (@thecyborgsamurai)
And while the final artwork is lost to the www, they were showcased at the TOYSREVIL Booth at STGCC2012!

Here's a quick look at the submitted characters and as well being reinterpreted by myself and grouped together...! 13 years later, this'll be the first time I am showing all these, and hope to do more in time (I'll want to sort out permissions first), for which I am sincerely apologetic for the delay and radio-silence... SORRY, EVERYONE!

And here's a relook at the fold-out "catalog" sheet showcasing the various TOYSREVIL-Editions made available at the booth...!