> ye sins of man

and of coz it hadda be me reading the SundayTimes on a monday morning at 1am in the middle of yet another squatcrapper (welcome to my life) when amidst laughing at michelle goh’s emailinterview (she was more sultry and sexy AFTER meepokman, personally spanking, eerrr - "speaking"). the chocobombings stopped in midflight when i read about the seven deadly sins of Singaporeans!

and if ya hadn’t read it yet, here's the compiled survey results
Anger = 88%
Sloth = 69%
Envy = 60%
Gluttony = 20%
Greed = 7%
Lust = 3%
Pride = 3%
... or something like that lah ... made me chuckle a wee ;p

FCUK! IM NO LONGER SPECIAL*! (*ya, as if i was *special* in the firstplace yaddayadda *pui* hahaha) EVERYBODY’S ANGRY bwahahahaha and its okay to be angry! I AM VINDICATED! Salvation in savagely saliva spitting outbursts!. heh :p

I personally think that the ultimate sin is actually untouchable LUST.

no doubt ranking on the lower-rung of the survey, becoz maybe prudish or not, we singaporeans might not say alla what we mean anyways, considering this is Singapore and it’s a frickin-survey, for fcuk’s sake! t’would be hella different in a pub or disco or any alcoholjoint where predators are out hunting for prey anyways and a survey might just mean an “invitation”? (yes, am awaiting public-bombardment and ire at this statement ... but hey! i dun think that many peeps read this anyways and doubt if anyone’ll give a fcuk-or-two! ahahahahaha) ... anyways ...

EVERYTHING revolves around LUST. in this context, lets just insert SEX as the main contention, shall we?
(geddit? “insert”? geddit? heh. yes i is hornyfcuk and i tells nos lies, yes i dun)

About SEX / LUST:
Yer angry ya dun geddit it.
Yer too lazyassed to work it/work for it - to geddit.
Yer pissed and itchy bcoz someone else got it and ya didnt.
Yer want a shitload of it. everyday perhaps. maybe even twice a day. YA WISH.
Yer too proud to ask for it

actually, gluttony and greed are sorta the same thing to me.
ya wanna eat and ya wanna eat plenty of it.

Angry - why? coz she/he ain’t giving it to ya?
ya can always depend on the services of the five-sisters or even the MFM (mono-finger-manouvere). batteries not included.

Why the hell does it take so much to get her/him in bed!
there never is/was such a thing as free-sex, ladies and gents (unless you’re a charming bugger/buggerette and goodlooking and whateverthehell it is - iw ouldn't know anything about this *wink*... and he/she KNOWS for a fact ya wanna do the humpty-dumpty too) ... otherwise, fork over the cash and take a night safari down geylang or joo chiat.
or when all else fails, there’s always 24-hour taohuey, frog’s legs porridge, durians or seafood. *burp*

How cum he/she’s getting it everytime I hear about it? It never does rain in my desert-oasis no more?
ya HEARD about it, but didja SEE it? the "O"-word is over-rated anyways (but of coz itz a MAN talking here folks) aren't we forgetting foreplay and cuddling? ... but thatz another topic for another day perhaps ...

i want! I Want! I WAAAAAANT!
nothing wrong with this; i suppose (notice the convienient-backdoor-disclaimer? heh :p) and in the end, there sure as heck ain't no sex-on-tap (if ya have, you’re a lucky mofo, so shut the hell up hahahahaha)

But if I ask her/him for it, she/he’d think im a pervert...
ask and ye shall receive ... sometimes ... although rejection is an ultimate turn-off, it might be a challenge to some. so maybe why dun we all stop the games, shall we? coz at the end of the day, tis all about choices anyways, right? YAY or NAY, letz all just live with it... if we can lor ... ;p

is this entry leading anywhere at all whatsoever? i doubt so ... i was just bored and horny, so ... oops? ;p
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