> zombified
walked the citystreets like a zombie today
dazed and aimless searching for something
searching for a lost memory searching for
a feeling searching for what i will never have
talking empty thinking nothing considering
still of trapping myself in yet another corner
disguised as an opportunity a break a chance
i think i owe myself i dread the consequences
in the unforgiving heat so hot the sun darkens
and becomes a blackspot in my minds eye
i squint my vision blurred i am but an undead
zombie wandering the citystreets of life
and i stumble into the embrace of my santuary
which has become my tomb my wombofdespair
and welcome the falsedarkness and shelter from
the world which has forsaken me yet again
i close my eyes and empty myself i try i fail
a zombie filled with a cyclone of emotions
a twistingswirling menagerie of hopes dreams
failedplans and self fulfilling propheciesofdoom
and i freeze my mind in perpetual rigor mortis
unable to discern the truth and the daydreamlies
unable to weight the pros and cons unable to
plan ahead unable to function morethana zombie
the clock hanging above me bangs thunderous
ticktocks and my headandheart vibrates nonstop
but a zombie feels nothing at least thats what
they say and the time strikes 5pm and it means
dazed and aimless searching for something
searching for a lost memory searching for
a feeling searching for what i will never have
talking empty thinking nothing considering
still of trapping myself in yet another corner
disguised as an opportunity a break a chance
i think i owe myself i dread the consequences
in the unforgiving heat so hot the sun darkens
and becomes a blackspot in my minds eye
i squint my vision blurred i am but an undead
zombie wandering the citystreets of life
and i stumble into the embrace of my santuary
which has become my tomb my wombofdespair
and welcome the falsedarkness and shelter from
the world which has forsaken me yet again
i close my eyes and empty myself i try i fail
a zombie filled with a cyclone of emotions
a twistingswirling menagerie of hopes dreams
failedplans and self fulfilling propheciesofdoom
and i freeze my mind in perpetual rigor mortis
unable to discern the truth and the daydreamlies
unable to weight the pros and cons unable to
plan ahead unable to function morethana zombie
the clock hanging above me bangs thunderous
ticktocks and my headandheart vibrates nonstop
but a zombie feels nothing at least thats what
they say and the time strikes 5pm and it means