have a smurfy day today
and with a trilogy, no less! dang! ... and the world might turn out to be a smurfier-place after all! ... where hopefully the closest to a "terrorist", would only be the dreaded Gargamel ... and every one will be smurfing the net .... aaahhhh ... :p
heck! i ain't knockin' it, yah? i think it is a smurfy-idea indeed ... tho i gotta go
AND speaking of "friends", i was wondering what else have the kind folks down at hollywoodlalaland have planned for us? with the influx of comicbookmovies well underway, and the seemingly current trend of reviving our (well, my generation's lah) childhood cartoons, ie: Transformers, it'll be just a matter of time before the memorable rest get a new JOLT OF LIFE, innit?
consider this:
G-Force : Reborn (Xhun4 Feng1 Xiao3 Fei1 Xia2) / Battle Of The Planets in "live action"? (copyright andyheng 2005)
The Thundercats Trilogy, directed by Peter Jackson? (copyright andyheng 2005)
heck, Bravestar : The Outer Frontiers wouldn't be that much of a stretch, right? get Johnny Depp on the phone right now! (copyright andyheng 2005)
Starblazer : Triumphant / Battleship Yamato : Arising would be damned KICK-ASS, MAN! t'would be a somewhat worthy successor to Star Wars, in a way, innit? (copyright andyheng 2005)
and with the technology gleaned from Transformers The Movie, comes UN- MASKED! (copyright andyheng 2005)
(*yes, i is damn kiasu, i copyright all siah!* muahahahahahaha)
no Sailor Moon please ... unless itz made by the Japanese ... then ONZ! *must live action ah*
hey, even Kamen Rider is OUT, dooooode! and even Tetsujin 28 ...
Disney could do a My Little Pony, tho i'd love to see a Pixar ~ Carebears, huh? *cuddle-wuddle* HAH ;p
why not give ye old Hanna Barbara Cartoons a new
... A Virtual Fcuking Goldmine; Our Childhood Memories ...
well, they've massacred Thunderbirds. am still awaiting Captain Scarlet. and heck, they've even got The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles coming out, so maybe the following year might just be a COWABANGA-Year!
but let's just make do with a smurfy-year, first, okie?
okay, enuff of me rambling ... in closing (and time is near 7.30am *urghz*), this is my ultimate proposal:
... aaahhhhh ... NOW i can sleep a sweet slumber ... *wistful~sigh* ...