AVFVP :: vol.01

*Assorted Videos For Viewing Pleasure*
diggin' thru my bookmarks and cruising the www has provided me with some videos i'd liketa share wif y'all here:

music videos:

from the folks down at Worms Eye Films (featured in times past online for their Since You've Been Gone video), comes a coupla new music videos they've created for Morningwood and Five O'clock Heroes. am likin' the retro-fun they seem to be havin' on the Nth Degree video tho :)
retro-kitsch #1:
[via Suckadelic]
from D-128 comes the Supervillains Video retro-trip down our demented youth with soundbytes and image galore (name them all if ya can :p), as well as a bountiful of self-created videos, including this other retro/comicbook-ish tribute, inclusive of cool riffs and tunes = *good stuff neh!*
retro-kitsch #2:
[via Screenhead]
(from my bookmarks) i re-discovered a whole buncha 70s commercials for mego action figures ... as well as a link to a TOY Version of Trainspotting. *heh* (NSFW - language)

*i like retro* :)
super heroes:
what if your girlfriend is a superhero? (from the folks down @ Goodie Bag TV) - a farnie look at possibilities, mayhap even a pre-cursor to Super Ex-Girlfriend (starring Uma Thurman)
comedy gold:
[via Protein.Feed]
was commenting to me beloved yesterday (as we attempted to watch The 6th Day) that i'd enjoy Arnold Schwarzenegger's films anytime, more so coz of the entertainment-"value" rather than acting anything else ... and then i found THIS. *shudder*

*bwahahahahahahhaha-choke* :p
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