here fishy fishy

somehow trying to imagine Aquaman made live-action (on either big or small screens)

but then again, with a young "Arthur Curry" (wif a 6 or 8-pack no less) it might just work ... alla days of donkey-yore ago = remember The Man From Atlantis? loadsa folks liked Patrick Duffy then too, right? *heh*
altho, i remember a while back, Marvel also announced a possible movie based on Namor, The Submariner, innit? well, it might happen, or it might not ... who knows these things anymore, eh?

altho Aquanman/Arthur has had his moments too, eh? what with the missing hand-replaced-with-a-harpoonhook, replaced-again-with-elemental-mystical-water-hand (*Disclaimer = as you can see, i used to read Aquaman-comics but has since "dried up" for me ... *ahem* :p)

added 19.11.2005:
i lurve it when casting calls give away the story, or at least a semblence of it ...