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i would like to have said that i "loved" the new V-For-Vendetta trailer [via AICN], but sadly, i am not convinced enough, yet ... not even enough to wanna grab screenshots altho the red-dominos toppling looked like a pretty cool premise, i can only but say that mayhap in me tiny mind the trailer does help warrant some interest in the upcoming movie (maybe just not to me), tho not as much as the released posters did ... and i can only but hope that i am wrong and that all this hype is gonna be paid off eventually ...
and speaking of "trailers", check out these exceptional editing-maestros at PS260, with their nifty and clever "re-imaged trailers" = suddenly Titanic doesn't seem that puke-worthy ... the warmth of friendship and of life, in Cabin Fever, the mystery/horror flick that is West Side Story and the new "feel-good" comedy/breakout of the year; The Shining [via dsng.net] ... with The Shining being the best out of the whole lot (IMHO) ...
aaahhh, what a whole new edit, clever copy and music could and would do for a movie ... *simply fascinating*

aaahhh, what a whole new edit, clever copy and music could and would do for a movie ... *simply fascinating*