masked hero wear
< MASKED-hooded sweatshirts available online now. [via coolhunter]
[first seen on coolhunting, then coolhunter here+here]
why refer to these hoodies as "terrorist clothing", when plainly they function in a more obvious, "positive" and "constructive" way?
they are just downrightnear perfect for you Urban SuperHeroes!
that's right! be the 'Man-Spider', or the 'Security-Guard-Guy', or the 'BatHood', even the 'Wrestler' and not forgetting the 'Flashman'! yes, you TOO can BE a HERO!
*heh* :p
< MASKED-hooded sweatshirts available online now. [via coolhunter]
[first seen on coolhunting, then coolhunter here+here]
why refer to these hoodies as "terrorist clothing", when plainly they function in a more obvious, "positive" and "constructive" way?
they are just downright
that's right! be the 'Man-Spider', or the 'Security-Guard-Guy', or the 'BatHood', even the 'Wrestler' and not forgetting the 'Flashman'! yes, you TOO can BE a HERO!
*heh* :p