fulla tradition
:: TOYS ::
the best selling girl's toy in the Arab world? [via warrenellis]
"Fulla, dressed in a traditional Islamic headscarf and overdress, comes with her own pink felt prayer rug ... Her extensive wardrobe has been modernised for the Egyptian market to include jeans and the type of colourful headscarves worn by many young women ... She's honest, loving and caring, and she respects her father and mother."
created by NewBoy Design Studio and launched in 2003, "sales have proved strong in the Middle East" ... read more about Fulla @ toydirectory - heck, i ain't making fun of this figure nor it's existence, in fact i personally think (*stand on rickety-soap-box-time*), in this era of screen-violence and mobile-handheld games and actionfigures totting guns and grenades, tis nice to know some effort has been put into "positive reinforcement" of values and traditions, innit? and thru theonly way modern society knows how: via the media and toys! and we gotta start them "young", don't we? *commendable*
hey, we ("chinese folks") sure as heck ain't getting any toys that teaches "respect thy elders" nor "take care of our aged parents", innit? (*falls off soap-box*) ... altho i wonder if the Fulla figure was "made-in-china?" *heh*
the best selling girl's toy in the Arab world? [via warrenellis]

"Fulla, dressed in a traditional Islamic headscarf and overdress, comes with her own pink felt prayer rug ... Her extensive wardrobe has been modernised for the Egyptian market to include jeans and the type of colourful headscarves worn by many young women ... She's honest, loving and caring, and she respects her father and mother."
created by NewBoy Design Studio and launched in 2003, "sales have proved strong in the Middle East" ... read more about Fulla @ toydirectory - heck, i ain't making fun of this figure nor it's existence, in fact i personally think (*stand on rickety-soap-box-time*), in this era of screen-violence and mobile-handheld games and actionfigures totting guns and grenades, tis nice to know some effort has been put into "positive reinforcement" of values and traditions, innit? and thru the
hey, we ("chinese folks") sure as heck ain't getting any toys that teaches "respect thy elders" nor "take care of our aged parents", innit? (*falls off soap-box*) ... altho i wonder if the Fulla figure was "made-in-china?" *heh*