of chinese new year fashion fiascos
what is it about the CNY that "makes" you make "bad fashion judgements" of/for yourselves?
is it the need to impress your relations? peeps that you might/do not even meet for the rest of the 364-days of the year? why? do we (really) need to leave a "venerable" or "respectable" impression behind?
is it to treat ourselves to new clothes? a new or "updated" image of "a sunday best" you'd see in the mirror reflection? to make you feel better about yourself? for "self-gratification"?
or izzit just a tradition that we/us (Chinese) has to adhere to and go thru, every year; for a few short days of the festive season?
or am i just whining coz i dun have no new clothes this year?
< to wit: my hentai-tee (if me relos only knew :p), red with auspicious-ness - no less! ... *heh*
what is it about the CNY that "makes" you make "bad fashion judgements" of/for yourselves?
is it the need to impress your relations? peeps that you might/do not even meet for the rest of the 364-days of the year? why? do we (really) need to leave a "venerable" or "respectable" impression behind?
is it to treat ourselves to new clothes? a new or "updated" image of "a sunday best" you'd see in the mirror reflection? to make you feel better about yourself? for "self-gratification"?
or izzit just a tradition that we/us (Chinese) has to adhere to and go thru, every year; for a few short days of the festive season?
or am i just whining coz i dun have no new clothes this year?