i wanna be able to give props to the creators and animators of the CodeHunters video done for the 2006 Asian MTV Music Awards, but am unable to becoz i have no effin' clue who they are and where they're from!
first saw them animated promos on MTV-channel but am still until now unable to source / track them down. and finally their videos are available online now and i'd say they kick major-animation a$$, with exceptional design, character design (would love to do a kitbash of them!) and animation, a color palette and tone that provides the extra monochromatic-kick to the overall visuals ... and i'd encourage y'all to go have a look-see now:
and do lemme know if y'all have any more info on these dudes/duddettes, cool? *enjoy*
added 15.05.06:
the "mystery" is solved! (*heh*) = the animation was directed by Ben Hibon for Blinkink, with Axis Animation as animation house [credits and info via] ~ *neato*
added 18.05.06:
found on Motiongrapher = big-screen (slightly) better quality (but slow as heck) QT-version @ Beams.TV (*whoohoo*) and Ben Hibon's webbie @ *cool* :p

first saw them animated promos on MTV-channel but am still until now unable to source / track them down. and finally their videos are available online now and i'd say they kick major-animation a$$, with exceptional design, character design (would love to do a kitbash of them!) and animation, a color palette and tone that provides the extra monochromatic-kick to the overall visuals ... and i'd encourage y'all to go have a look-see now:
and do lemme know if y'all have any more info on these dudes/duddettes, cool? *enjoy*
added 15.05.06:
the "mystery" is solved! (*heh*) = the animation was directed by Ben Hibon for Blinkink, with Axis Animation as animation house [credits and info via] ~ *neato*
added 18.05.06:
found on Motiongrapher = big-screen (slightly) better quality (but slow as heck) QT-version @ Beams.TV (*whoohoo*) and Ben Hibon's webbie @ *cool* :p