paul frank versus paul frank industries
tis both heart-wrenching and scarily-sobbering when i read thru this entire enlightening Vanity Fair article ~ about the trials and tribulations of a creator and his former friends / business partners and of his cute creations caught in the middle of the crossfire. [via]
tis not my place to judge, but im sure taking notes :p
coz unfortunately in the end, it's not just about "creating" a character or design anymore, innit? *shudder*
tis both heart-wrenching and scarily-sobbering when i read thru this entire enlightening Vanity Fair article ~ about the trials and tribulations of a creator and his former friends / business partners and of his cute creations caught in the middle of the crossfire. [via]
tis not my place to judge, but im sure taking notes :p
coz unfortunately in the end, it's not just about "creating" a character or design anymore, innit? *shudder*