duck fever show

and while i doubt the Duck Fever show (held via Mercado) will ever go by way of the Singapore's version [via] (ie: ducks floating away on the open river *yikes*), i reckon it'll be truly awesome to see them all together, what with the works/creations of 110 illustration+character artists, including Kei Sawada (insert image-right), Jeremyville, Jim Woodring, Mad Barbarians, Jim Woodring, Jason Siu, Touma, Jon Burgerman, Playskewl and loads more listed here [via] *heh*
and while i doubt the Duck Fever show (held via Mercado) will ever go by way of the Singapore's version [via] (ie: ducks floating away on the open river *yikes*), i reckon it'll be truly awesome to see them all together, what with the works/creations of 110 illustration+character artists, including Kei Sawada (insert image-right), Jeremyville, Jim Woodring, Mad Barbarians, Jim Woodring, Jason Siu, Touma, Jon Burgerman, Playskewl and loads more listed here [via] *heh*