region-one dvd of perth movie released in U.S.
exciting "dayjob" news (at least for me :p) for my fifth feature film, PERTH, which has just seen a Region 1 DVD-release in the U.S. under TartanVideoUSA, including commentaries from the director, Djinn and lead actor, Lim Kay Tong and (mentioned here) a Set Design Featurette featuring polaroids and my inane ramblings, voiced by Djinn himself ~ where im still referred to as the "Art Director" (i was the Production Designer, gawddammit! *LOL*) ~ with neato graphic-work done on it by the great folks down at Tartan (i was given a DVDR-copy for keepsake = thanks, Djinn!) = *good stuff* :p
here's the US-DVD cover-art (notice it is not rated = *cool*) - click to view bigger image:

quite a bit of "alterations" to the images tho, which made for quick a few rounds of merry laughter, when some of the crew met up with Djinn last night, went he was back in Singapore with his lovely wife and kids for a holiday :)
and here's a scan of the local/Asian-release DVD, for referrence:

go get the DVD if you can find it, go ... *heh*
here's the US-DVD cover-art (notice it is not rated = *cool*) - click to view bigger image:
quite a bit of "alterations" to the images tho, which made for quick a few rounds of merry laughter, when some of the crew met up with Djinn last night, went he was back in Singapore with his lovely wife and kids for a holiday :)
and here's a scan of the local/Asian-release DVD, for referrence:
go get the DVD if you can find it, go ... *heh*