1/6 customs and dioramas @ doll show 19
1/6-customs and dioramas in the recent Doll Show 19 (Spring show) held in Tokyo, with an exceptional showcase by a collective of action figure customizers, calling themselves 12 Storms (darn dramatic, i know! LOL) [via]

view image galleries via:
- Jun's page
- OSW forum-thread
- MWD forum thread (with images by Milkshake Melody)

(re: above) gawd, i lurve dioramas! LOL ... in addition, there was a eye-brow-raising "Middle-Earth/fantasy"-themed weaponer's shop (image below) on display at the show and can be viewed in detail HERE [via]

do feel free to drop URLs of image galleries of the event, yeh? thanks :)

view image galleries via:
- Jun's page
- OSW forum-thread
- MWD forum thread (with images by Milkshake Melody)

(re: above) gawd, i lurve dioramas! LOL ... in addition, there was a eye-brow-raising "Middle-Earth/fantasy"-themed weaponer's shop (image below) on display at the show and can be viewed in detail HERE [via]

do feel free to drop URLs of image galleries of the event, yeh? thanks :)