fantastic four movie full trailer online
the Fantastic Four: Teh Rise Of The Silver Surfer - full trailer is now viewable on Apple-trailers in varied formats [via]

*screengrabs-galore and personal comments after the JUMP*
seriously tho, i'd had my reservations to continue with FF2-coverage, primarily becoz it has not been that fantastic so far (*ahem*), what with dismal-designed posters and "Cloudactus" (i didn't coin this :p) ... but i thought, *what the heck, i might milk some giggles out of it* - which was what i did... or at least tried too ... irregardless, go lookie the screengrabs and if you really wanna read my subtitled-comments? click on thumbnails posted to view bigger image on my flickr ~ *heh* :p

i didn't know there even as an uproar about Ben Grimm's (eye)-brows, until i read it on ScreenRant ... and so, if he had eyebrows, would they be grassy weeds?

... im liking the "powers-transferral" trick, which reminds me of the Super Skrull, which i hope they do not turn into a prolonged-slapstick moment/gimmick :p

wonder why on-screen military folks always seem to miss the target? much less constantly firing at something/someone when tis obvious ammunition isn't going to harm said entity, innit? no small wonder military-costs are so high, becoz of wastage! :p
everybody has to have a Batmobile, innit? for a split-second-flash, i'd thought Jessica Alba was R2D2 ... WAH?

so are you folks excited about teh movie?

added: youtubed-version [via]
peep more FF:ROSS-screengrabs here of the previous Teaser trailer :p
*screengrabs-galore and personal comments after the JUMP*
seriously tho, i'd had my reservations to continue with FF2-coverage, primarily becoz it has not been that fantastic so far (*ahem*), what with dismal-designed posters and "Cloudactus" (i didn't coin this :p) ... but i thought, *what the heck, i might milk some giggles out of it* - which was what i did... or at least tried too ... irregardless, go lookie the screengrabs and if you really wanna read my subtitled-comments? click on thumbnails posted to view bigger image on my flickr ~ *heh* :p
i didn't know there even as an uproar about Ben Grimm's (eye)-brows, until i read it on ScreenRant ... and so, if he had eyebrows, would they be grassy weeds?
... im liking the "powers-transferral" trick, which reminds me of the Super Skrull, which i hope they do not turn into a prolonged-slapstick moment/gimmick :p
wonder why on-screen military folks always seem to miss the target? much less constantly firing at something/someone when tis obvious ammunition isn't going to harm said entity, innit? no small wonder military-costs are so high, becoz of wastage! :p
everybody has to have a Batmobile, innit? for a split-second-flash, i'd thought Jessica Alba was R2D2 ... WAH?
so are you folks excited about teh movie?
added: youtubed-version [via]
peep more FF:ROSS-screengrabs here of the previous Teaser trailer :p