play imaginative's ultraking and spooky cat digit trexis
proto-type toy images for Play Imaginative's Trexi Digits [blogged] - specifically for Ultraman's Ultraking Digit Trexi and Danny Chan's Spooky Cat Digit Trexi [via]


*why the name "DIGITS"? peep explanation after the JUMP*
Play Imaginative's rationale for "Trexi Digits" (as listed on KR-forums):" These 2 designs are 003 and 004 in the trexi Digit series from the Hong Kong duo - Danny Chan & Ultraman. Why Digits? The idea originated from 2 trexi designs given to us by Devilrobots from Japan for trexi Series 02 -- Devilrobear and Devilroboxer. These are the very first trexi Digits, 001 and 002. Moving forward, we will release more individual designs such as these in numerical order.
both Ultraking Digit Trexi and Spooky Cat Digit trexi are scheduled for a July/August-release, with each design serialized (for authenticity), in blister packaging and limited to 500pcs each.


*why the name "DIGITS"? peep explanation after the JUMP*
Play Imaginative's rationale for "Trexi Digits" (as listed on KR-forums):