Subtext X
DC Shoes presents
KICKS featuring custom-shoes by artists including: Ronald Kurniawan /
Angry Woebots (custom-sneakers shown above) / Ekundayo / Miles Donovan / Julie West / KMNDZ / Joshua Clay / David Foldvari / Josh Kenyon / Colby Nichols / Jasper Wong / Marco Zamora / James Jirat Patradoon / Corey Smith / Josh Taylor / Sandra Equihua and Cole Gerst ... the opening reception @ Subtext (680 West Beech Street #1, San Diego, California 92101) is on January 25th (6-10pm) and exhibit continues til February 17th [
source] ... i've always been interested in custom-shoes, but more of art+character-designs, rather than patterns and prints (but that's just me) and if all looks as cool as AngryWoebots'? count me in for a peep (online, unfortunately :p)