now, im not exactly what you would call a "huge Star Trek-fan" (much less a Trekkie), in fact im more of a pedestrian-viewer (and only from ST: The Next Generation onwards lah), so i have no real "connection" with Captain Kirk nor Spock et al (blame Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica LOL) altho i've always liked the form of the Enterprise (itz all about the spaceships lah *cough*) ... but what bugs me silly right now is that i could have missed the new J.J.Abrams-directed feature film aka Star Trek XI [ wiki] (hey, i actually enjoyed MI:3 - shuddup) when i went for Cloverfield, becoz essentially i walked in just as the film rolled and may have missed the trailer that came before it (and i still know not if it did reach Singapore-screens tho - FYI: the trailer was shown prior to Cloverfield-screenings in the US) ... becoz as all remakes are, im interested to see how it is re-envisioned first, before i lay down my own opinions :)
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