real or plant. technically shoddy or deliberately lo-fi. amateur aesthetics or creative endeavor. armchair critics can argue that anyone with a camera and some make-up can do it. but nobody else has done it. except them.
[via] people slam what they did not think of doing in the first place, perhaps? or think they could do better (but don't attempt to) ... is this what the Dark Knight-Viral has brought out of the fans? ("humanity" would be stretching it :p) = The Joker will be so pleased ... im not saying start popping them champagne-corks (altho tis nice to pat backs than to stab+slash them, innit?), im saying start making your own videos, not to prove a point, but to have some fun - becoz in the end, the Joker says it best: WHY SO SERIOUS?**
... i would love to be able to blog about a whole slew of Joker-converts, video-imitators and parodies, becoz perhaps this is the next step toward interactive virals (that has obviously been initiated and embraced by many but does everyone recognize the "spirit" thereof?) - that is not just partaked by select groups of folks, but by "breaking down" the geographic boundaries and spreading the notion throughout the worldwideweb and worldwide community of Batman-fans. make videos. make banners. make with the photoshopped pictures. for the "reward" may not necessarily be a trailer or image from the filmmakers, hypemachines and marketeers (altho that would def rawk too LOL - but of coz "their" job is to make "us" spend money eventually, innit? LOL) - but perhaps the reward is an opportunity to be a part of something, something fun to be made, to be had and to experience ... perhaps? perhaps ...
what do i believe? i believe "they" are having fun - and they have my envy :p
**p/s: thy humanity's hitchhiked halfway to hell in a hand-basket when i'm starting to quote life lessons from scripted words spouted from fictional characters LOL *tender-face-palm*
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