Down @ NYCC 2008 with Eric Daye

TOYSREVIL: Did you visit NYCC in previous years? If so, how does this year's compare?
EDAYE: This was the second time that my fiance, Beth and I visited the NYCC. We went last year and it was great but needed some improvement in terms of wanting to see more vendors and preview screenings.

TOYSREVIL: What about the con that both of you enjoyed the most?
EDAYE: We were there primarily for the vinyl toys, action figures and to meet the artists. I used to collect comics heavily through the early nineties but I don't currently keep up with it. Beth is an illustrator so she loves to meet the artists and talk shop. Many of the toys and figures were items that we already had much info on.
We follow your site religiously plus we have a multitude of online resources where we can scoop up our latest favorites direct. It was cool just being able to see the toys in 3D and interact with some of them. We don't have a ridiculously large collection but we have some very choice pieces.
I was happy that Hollywood came out to represent but could not get in to any of the sneak previews/screenings. Who wanted to wait for more than an hour online only to miss the ones you came to see. They expanded the artist alley this year and there was plenty of room to move around and meet and greet. The prices were incredibly good for custom artwork and figures. We were constantly amazed at the value.

TOYSREVIL: Cheers for the shout-out, E! What about the con did you not enjoy? And why? And/Or what do you think they could improve upon next year?
EDAYE: I think that the Con will only increase in size and interest in the coming years. We would like to see more representation from toy companies and demonstration of manufacturing techniques. Some vendors, like Revoltech, had many display items but on a few to sell. I can purchase many of the figures online but I wanted to grab some while there. I can see the NYCC being as big as Wizard World or the San Diego Comic-Con in a few years..

TOYSREVIL: What did you guys score?
EDAYE: We did not spend much because as I said earlier, some items we wanted are already pre-ordered or would wait for a better deal online. We did buy 2 figures from The Four Horsemen line "SEVENTH KINGDOM". It was 2 of the warrior elephant figure Ramathorr ($15). I also copped the Notorious B.I.G. exclusive figure ($30) and Scarface "Player" ($20) figure from Mezco Toys.
I bought the Biggie figure the first night and when we returned early Saturday they were all sold out. They even removed him from the display case (someone likely begged to have it!). Beth picked up a sketchbook collection from an artist named Sanford Greene who is working on a new Method Man (Wu-Tang) comic. We also grabbed a couple of prints long the way.
TOYSREVIL: cheers for the time and trouble for this Q&A, Eric and for the pictures! *sweet* - totally appreciate your support for my humble+tiny little blog, Beth & Eric :)
[all NYCC event-images courtesy of Beth White & EDAYE]