nycc-exclusive glow-in-the-dark zombie poo by manny galan x chaotic unicorn (booth861)
the 2nd NYCC-exclusive limited edition Dookie-Poo vinyl figure (after GID Sleepy-Time Dookie-Poo) from Chaotic Unicorn and ESC Toy - is revealed to be a blue glow-in-the-dark ZOMBIE POO!
limited to 200-pcs, the 3.5-incher tall Zombie Poo is yours for a SRP of US$29.99, and also comes with a limited edition print while supplies last (one per customer) and available through creator Manny Galan's artist signing only - scheduled on Saturday April 19th @ ESC Toy Booth#861 from 1PM-3PM = *so don't nap! - or teh zombie'll getcha! muahahaha*
limited to 200-pcs, the 3.5-incher tall Zombie Poo is yours for a SRP of US$29.99, and also comes with a limited edition print while supplies last (one per customer) and available through creator Manny Galan's artist signing only - scheduled on Saturday April 19th @ ESC Toy Booth#861 from 1PM-3PM = *so don't nap! - or teh zombie'll getcha! muahahaha*