seen@nycc2008: dookie-poo at chaotic unicorn (booth2354)
plush Choroco-Tofu is radiantly-cute as Wonder Woman .. eerr ... Wonder-Tofu, and Bat-Dookie frowns at crime (a crime for not picking up a Dookie-Poo Plush!) and yes, a Skrull lurks from within Pooville! peep Dookie-Poo vinyl figures, plushies and other goodies @ Chaotic Unicorn Booth#2354 (remember, a Dookie-Poo vinyl figure gets you a DIY-paper-diorama Enhancement Kit - while stocks last)
Dookie-Poo creator, Manny Galan will be signing on Saturday April 19th @
- 1pm-3pm ESC Toy Booth#861
- 4pm-6pm Chaotic Unicorn Booth#2354
and Brian is down on the convention floor and has sweet-snaps of "surprise" proto-type
Dookie-Poo vinyls! peep Plastic&Plush for more snaps (including Wonder-Tofu LOL)