kenn munk's mod:1 custom (& dunny) for san diego comic convention 2008

Peep Kenn Munk's MOD:1-custom done for Supermodified Studios' Booth#4537 @ San Diego Comic Convention, dubbed: MOD:RAM - paired with an equally excellent Dunny - both based on the concept of "memory" ... CLICK THRU for more pics and description of custom :)

Kenn mentions: "The little dude is all the little machines I use to remember stuff, I've outsourced my memory of phone numbers to my mobile and Skype, I can only remember my own and my parent's phone number."

(Editor: Heck, I myself don't remember any numbers now, depending on my mobile for data :p)

KENN: "The bigger guy is a more physical form of memory, how the boy remembers a lovers touch but also the more simple mechanics of jotting down things you need to remember on your body (usually the palm of your hand - mine currently has a fading "17.04" on it)"

KENN: "The writing on the guy describes tthe turns and moves you have to make in order to get from my London home to my Ã…rhus home."

Check out more of Kenn's MOD:RAM on his flickr
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