Play Imaginative launches their newly revamped online stores for both designer vinyls and urban apparel - with heavy-hitters like Devilrobot's 18-incher EVIROB, Touma's 18-incher SKUTTLE and 9-incher SQUEEZEL, and Ultraman's ULTRA KING BLACK made available on ... while DOOPERDOO launches a new online store @ - where they are currently offering free shipping to any country with every purchase of 3 or more items in one single order form. (each item comes with a DOOPERDOO shopping bag - with 7 designs to choose from)
For local (Singaporean) fans (if you don't already know by now) - DOOPERDOO also now has a new store front in Singapore - CK Tangs
Playlab on level 3. Drop by, snap pics and send them over, as the likelihood of me dropping by Orchard Road now is slim to none LOL
(cheers for the headsup, Daphne)