aeworx's moccapo and music videos from mocca the band

AEWORX's CAPO [tagged / www] is set to appear in a music video, in collaboration with MOCCA - an indie pop band and one of the biggest act in indie music scene in Indonesia.

Currently still in production (the video, not the toy) - CAPO is seen decked-out in yellow+red astronautical spacesuits, and features the likeness of the band members from Mocca. The video is scheduled to air tentatively in early 2009 (January) *Stay tuned for developments on TRE* ... No indication if they'll be made into production toys tho :p

I've been spending the last hour (or so) youtubing their vids and find myself very quickly becoming a fan, a convert to their breezy x catchy tunes (thanks for the headsup, Eric!) - check out the MV for "The Best Thing In The World"-MV (from "Colors" - Mocca's third album) - and CLICK THRU for some more select videos from their past albums ~ *lovely*

ME & MY BOYFRIEND (from "My Diary"):

LIFE KEEPS ON TURNING (from "My Diary"):

I REMEMBER (OST "Catatan Akhir Sekoiah"):

HAPPY (from "Sunday Afternoon" / "Untuk Rena"):

I WOULD NEVER (featuring Karolina Komstedt - from "Friends"):

ā€œColoursā€ is MOCCAā€™s third full album.

ā€œThis is a highlight of Moccaā€™s musical journey up to now. Itā€™s quite colourful. There are stories about Moccaā€™s relationship with Indonesia, itā€™s local scene, the fans or the relationship among the bandā€™s personelsā€ says Riko, ā€œThe lyrics in this album represents excitements, disappointments, confusions, anger, jealousy, cynicism, and happiness. So people could openly interpret the meanings of each lyrics.ā€ [via]

**Check out their online shop for mail-orders :)
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