brazilian customed-dunnys for dunny it yourself
These are just a few of my fav customed-Dunny picks done for DUNNY IT YOURSELF = a Brazil-based Dunny Custom Contest organized by (creator of Suicidal Banana) - but with an impressive judging panel consisting of Jon Burgerman, Stuart Witter, Chick, Jon Knox, Oktus, Pon, Easy Hey, Igor Ventura and Sergio Mancini? My picks may mean diddley-jackerino, innit? LOL - *which DOES NOT diminish the quality of said customs, yo!*
Check them out and more @ [all pics via] - So my question is: Will Kidrobot make a "Brazil Designer Dunny Series"? There's some pretty decent contenders here, IMHO! (Make it so, KR, make it so!)
(Cheers for the headsup, Sergio! And thank everyone in Brazil for their kind words and support!)