cocobatjoe sale

cocobat_joe is the online-nick of a duder-friend I'm posting for - whose selling off his collection, posted here (man, if only I had me $$$ - I'll be on his Medicom RAH and Pete Fowler-collection like a bad rash LOL). CLICK THRU for more items, and direct ANY and ALL enquiries to (Do let him know ya found it via TRE tho).

*NOTE: I will not be liable in any way, shape or form for the items posted in this blog-post, nor responsible for sales nor your transactions with him, yeh? DO NOT EMAIL ME - I WILL NOT reply in regards to this post - thanks. And no, they are not my personal collection (I wish! LOL). And NO, I DO NOT provide listing services. This is a favor for a collector-friend based in Singapore.* Happy Hunting, Y'all!