*Exclusives* = A key word that excites collectors and ignites desires for ownership, for many a fans. That also send flippers on a feeding-frenzy. To each his own. And to each his or her own level of excitement.
The Blanc De Plume was one such figure [WHAT]. And if you've not been on the 3A-Forum of late, then there's another figure to look out for; TK OYABUN ~ the reigning leader of the Tomorrow Kings! [WHO]
WHAT-IS: TK Oyabun is a 1/6th-scaled 3A-Forum Exclusive figure. ("It's a forum exclusive, not a super limited exclusive").
QUANTITY: 75 pcs (fixed number set aside for forumers).
AVAILABILITY: The first 75 forum members will be asked to purchase an Oyabun. If they cannot or don't want to - it will then be offered to member #76 and so on down the list.
PRICE: US$150-per.
- TK Oyabun will be out up for sale/order on the Bambalandstore for remaining forumers (not on the first-75 list) for a period of 48 hours - whereby production numbers will possibly match the order-demand (TBC).
- A date & time is currently NOT determined for orders.
- You would have to be a forum member to be eligible for orders. (I would advise you to be an active and contributing member. Putzes like me with only 16 posts may haveta sweat it out but dun hold me to that LOL :p).
TK-OYABUN-DESIGN: Currently there is no "official" image released for TK Oyabun. But the appearance of said figure is said to appear in Popbot Issue#8. TK Oyabun is described to have (1) a "big ass jacket", and (2) "2 swords". The image posted here is formatted from a WIP-painting by Ashley Wood and is highly suspected to be TK Oyabun, but remains unconfirmed. heh.
The Blanc De Plume was one such figure [WHAT]. And if you've not been on the 3A-Forum of late, then there's another figure to look out for; TK OYABUN ~ the reigning leader of the Tomorrow Kings! [WHO]

QUANTITY: 75 pcs (fixed number set aside for forumers).
AVAILABILITY: The first 75 forum members will be asked to purchase an Oyabun. If they cannot or don't want to - it will then be offered to member #76 and so on down the list.
PRICE: US$150-per.
- TK Oyabun will be out up for sale/order on the Bambalandstore for remaining forumers (not on the first-75 list) for a period of 48 hours - whereby production numbers will possibly match the order-demand (TBC).
- A date & time is currently NOT determined for orders.
- You would have to be a forum member to be eligible for orders. (I would advise you to be an active and contributing member. Putzes like me with only 16 posts may haveta sweat it out but dun hold me to that LOL :p).
TK-OYABUN-DESIGN: Currently there is no "official" image released for TK Oyabun. But the appearance of said figure is said to appear in Popbot Issue#8. TK Oyabun is described to have (1) a "big ass jacket", and (2) "2 swords". The image posted here is formatted from a WIP-painting by Ashley Wood and is highly suspected to be TK Oyabun, but remains unconfirmed. heh.