Kozik Evil Beaver Variant of Jeff Pidgeon's Happy Beaver
kozik evil beaver design, originally uploaded by j_pidgeon.
Jeff Pidgeon's original toy HAPPY BEAVER [tagged] gets the Frank Kozik-treatment with this EVIL BEAVER Variant (with a tentative SDCC-date / TBC). In addition there are plans for two other variants, one of which could well be a GID-Beaver! ("Radioactive Beavers" are cool, IMHO ;p). Nothing is written in stone as yet (or rather not for public consumption, perhaps?) - but do check out Jeff's flickr (linked above) for comments and feedback.
TRE-IMPRESSIONS: Surprisingly, I actually like this variant - tis one from Kozik that has the figure actually smiling, and a cheeky devious evil-ish smile at that! LOL - and you KNOW I'm always down with "evil" = *Cool*