Mary Paper$: Fly And Ruthless, Pandering To Japanese Tastes Edition @ SuperFestival49 (Apr 26)
On Sunday April 26th at the Japan Science Museum, The International Figure Research Laboratory (fig-lab) will be exhibiting the results of recent Joint Research Projects as part of a 1-day symposium entitled SuperFestival 49. Three exclusive Figures will be highlighted. The first is from NYC research fellow Sucklord.

The Sucklord has provided the following abstract: For SUPER FESTIVAL 49, the Sucklord has trusted the altruistic Datadub of FIG LAB fame to shuck his latest exclusive, MARY PAPER$: FLY AND RUTHLESS, PANDERING TO JAPANESE TASTES EDITION. A new colorway of the classic MARY PAPER$ figure of 2006, The Sucklord remixes this figure in a Microman/ Murakami style in a crass attempt to acquire a larger base of Japanese fans. Mary Paper$ is a straight up gangster bitch and sometime friend of the Sucklord. She is a supporting character in the ongoing ORIGINAL VILLAIN NETWORK web soap opera. (For more information refer to the Fig-Lab-Log)

TRE's got the lowdown for interested-peeps: Limited to only 10 pieces made - Mary Paper$ will be made exclusively available at the Superfestival @ a SRP of 3,300 YEN (US$33). If there are ay pieces left over, then something will be figured out ... got any friends attending SuperFestival?
(Cheers for the trouble, Don!)
The Sucklord has provided the following abstract: For SUPER FESTIVAL 49, the Sucklord has trusted the altruistic Datadub of FIG LAB fame to shuck his latest exclusive, MARY PAPER$: FLY AND RUTHLESS, PANDERING TO JAPANESE TASTES EDITION. A new colorway of the classic MARY PAPER$ figure of 2006, The Sucklord remixes this figure in a Microman/ Murakami style in a crass attempt to acquire a larger base of Japanese fans. Mary Paper$ is a straight up gangster bitch and sometime friend of the Sucklord. She is a supporting character in the ongoing ORIGINAL VILLAIN NETWORK web soap opera. (For more information refer to the Fig-Lab-Log)
TRE's got the lowdown for interested-peeps: Limited to only 10 pieces made - Mary Paper$ will be made exclusively available at the Superfestival @ a SRP of 3,300 YEN (US$33). If there are ay pieces left over, then something will be figured out ... got any friends attending SuperFestival?
(Cheers for the trouble, Don!)